Archive for December, 2008
« Previous EntriesTammy Hoier, PhD – Psychologist and Actress (Part 3 of 3)
Monday, December 29th, 2008Who do you pattern yourself after as an actor? I really like Judy Dench. I really like the British actresses because they have such good technique. And they crossover so well. They do all this dialogue work which is really incredible. They are native British speakers and they get coached and do the research so […]
Tammy Hoier, PhD – Psychologist and Actress (Part 2 of 3)
Monday, December 29th, 2008How did you get interested in acting? I had a friend who I met through a client. This woman was a costumer; she did theatre tech which involves costuming and set design. I have always been redesigning or renovating our farmhouse, which is 130 years old, as a hobby. So I thought I would love […]
Tammy Hoier, PhD – Psychologist and Actress
Saturday, December 20th, 2008Where are you from? I was brought up in the Chicago area, in Illinois. Where did you go to college and what was your academic major? I went to Stanford and I was a psych major. And then you got further training? That was your undergraduate major? That was my undergraduate major. Then I went […]
Kaise Stephan – Swimmer, English Channel and Cancer Fundraiser (Part 3 of 3)
Saturday, December 13th, 2008Why did you have to get back in the boat once you got to France? Couldn’t you have just stayed in France overnight? Yes, back to the boat. I did not have a visa to stay in France nor a passport on me!! I understand that channel swimmers are granted permission to stay on French […]
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